Wednesday, 26 September 2012


The baby has this really adorable habit of giving cuddles to her 'teddy' - one of the many blanket things with heads on them that we have scatted between our house, my eldest brothers house and my parents-in-laws.

Sometimes she'll give cuddles to random things too - she pulls it in both hands up under her chin and scrunches her hands and shoulders up towards her face.

This afternoon we were playing with duplo on the floor and she stepped over in to my lap (as she often does when I'm on the floor) and grabbed on to my shoulder.

"Cuddles for mummy?" I asked.

Oh, you guys. She hugged in to me and lay her cheek on my chest, just like a proper cuddle.

I am going to get a lot of practice in on this one!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

These boots were made for walking

Now that the baby is up and off and around everywhere, she is ruining her socks. This is not helped by her newfound status of being 'the outdoor type' and keen to get out in the dirt and grass and up and down the stairs in our backyard.

I took her in to the specialty kids shoes shop to get fitted, as every attempt I've made to fit her for shoes has resulted in us losing said shoes - the baby has (adorable) chubby feet.

When she sat up on the step in the shop (just like the big kids!) the lady hrm'd as she set her tiny baby feet in the foot measurer. "She's not even a size three. I'm not sure what we'll have."

It took three pairs of shoes, and three trips out to the back storeroom, before they found a pair that 'fit' her. And by 'fit', I mean there is probably another third of the length of her foot left as gap up the top. Her feet are also wide, and chubby on the top, so one pair was too narrow, and the other pair cut in to her chubby little feet tops.

Her shoes are little cream t-bar shoes, with a heart on each toe. There are also cutouts in the toes, so she'll be able to wear them in summer.

As the baby toddled around the store trying them out, she kept getting caught up in her steps.

"Does she normally turn her feet in like that?".

Yes, the baby walks with a bit of a turn-in, but it's mostly her right foot, and not normally so noticeable. It was probably exaggerated by the fact she was kind of wearing clown shoes.

After paying $49.95 (!! More than I spend on shoes for me!!!!) the lady suggested we bring her back when she needs new ones, and they'll get her some with extra support, in the hopes that it will help her gait.

I hope it has nothing to do with her hips, and that a bit of practice sorts her out.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Powering on

The baby's walking has really improved over the last few days.

When I got home from work on Friday, the husband told me how much better she was, that I'd be amazed at how she is going.

She isn't just taking a few steps now - she will stand and purposefully walk places. She pushes the computer chair around, she walks through the kitchen, she stands and bounces and dances and holds on to things for like a minute without moving.

The last few weeks, the husbands parents have been meeting us at the markets on a Sunday mornings. They were pretty excited to see her just get up and go. Of course, this makes it a little harder in that she knows where she wants to go and expresses her hurt feelings if you stop her. Of if you want to keep her in stroller. Or if you don't want to walk with her to our bedroom so she can play with the toilet brush.

When they came past this afternoon to help the husband build a bike rack, his dad told me that he actually got  a little teary watching her get up and go. And when I told the husband how lovely this was, he told me he had butterflies on the Friday watching her get around.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a toddler.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Two more teeth

Teeth numbers 13 and 14 have poked through - her top two eye teeth.

She's been red cheeked and poopy, wanting her dummy more, and insistent on chewing the car keys when we are out and about. I should have clued on to it earlier, but it wasn't until someone in my online mothers group mentioned her baby's eye teeth are through that I thought to check.

I think there's only the two bottom eye teeth, then it should be a few months before her massive molars come through.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


The baby has an adorable baby butt.

But, it's a sign I've probably been patting it too much when she stands up in the bath and starts patting her own butt, before I get a chance to.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Dear baby - fourteen months

Dear baby,

There's always something going on these days, isn't there!

You caught a cold last week after we went to dinner with friends (who had sick babies). You were really unsettled for the first time in many months - poor daddy had to get up six or seven times between midnight and 6am to resettle you, then you were snotty and stuffed up for a few days. I caught it off you on the Tuesday and at the time of writing this (I'm a bit naughty and writing this a few days late) I am still all stuffed up and feeling gross. So thanks for that.

You took your first steps in the last month, and you have taken quite a few more since then. Being cautious, like your mummy, you much prefer to walk without the risk of falling, so you prefer to be holding our hand or pants legs as you toddle along. It's hard to tell if you're walking more or less since that day - you do take little steps between the tv and the couch and the coffee table, but if we let go and ask you to walk you are more likely to drop and crawl. You are getting a lot better with your walker though - just the other day you had it turning in all directions.

One of your favourite things at the moment is to crawl around outside. The weather is warming up and you'll be harness free this summer, so I'm looking forward to getting out and about with you some more. A few weeks ago I took you out the front of the house with me, and you were very unimpressed. You didn't like the feel of the grass on your hands or your feet (and you stepped on a rose thorn), so you would come over to me and sort of stand on my lap to use me as a barrier between yourself and the ground. Since then we've gone out the front and the back a few times more and you're enjoying it much more. You like to powercrawl down the driveway (not such a good idea, what with the road and the hoons that speed up and down it) and you like to crawl up and down the steps at the side of the backyard. You also like to try to climb the big stone steps in the backyard and this freaks me out as they are giant and I know there is going to be a day when you fall down there and I dread to think about it.  Annoyingly, the dogs have also made the back yard a bit dusty (from all their hooning around) and a bit poopy, so we're going to need to keep an eye on that.

You seem to have become a bit more obsessed with your dummy, and we're not sure what this means. It could just be that you are better at communicating and knowing what you want know, and you like it as much as you always have but can tell us now. Either way, I try and distract you and/or hide them, so that you don't use them unless it's time for a nap or a sleep.

You have also become more obsessed with your daddy. Somewhere, you picked up that you should call him 'Dad-deeeeeeeeeeee' with a cheeky smile - of course, this usually gets him to respond 'yes, bub-beeeeeeeeeeee?'. Whenever he is is home you just want to be with him. The other night when I got home from work he was trying to cook you some fish and feed you dinner, but you were just crying in your highchair. I got you out and asked you what you wanted, and you just crawled over to him, crying, and pull on his pant leg. As soon as he picked you up you were as happy as Larry. This always brings me back to the time we were at Nana and Grumpa's house and daddy wasn't able to settle you, but I was. And how upset daddy was that he couldn't help you out. And now, it's the opposite.

Because you're a lot more active, you need more supervision and more interaction. You still love to be pushed on your bike, but you also love getting in to the ensuite and splashing around with the toilet brush. Ew. You're as quick as ever to get in to the laundry and dog food and water, or to be in your room pulling the baby wipes and nappy liners out and all over the floor. You're always on the move and it's a rarity to be able to sit with you still on our laps now - this is going to make it harder when we go out as a family (at the moment we only really go out together to the markets on a Sunday morning, where you can crawl over the place).

Your appetite is still going strong - we've had to modify a  few things, so now you get your own spoon for breakfast, yoghurt and fruit tubs. You like to splash the spoon around in there, and every so often you'll get it to your mouth, sometimes even with food on it. Breakfast takes a bit longer too - you switch between wanting your breakfast, then pushing it away and wanting to stick your spoon in to my cereal. Then it carries on back and forth until I've finished my breakfast and you decide you've had enough.

You picked up a bit of a rash on the back of your neck too - I had just started getting your dinner ready when I noticed you scratching the back of your neck - you'd scratched it all red, and there were little blood spots. This brought on a quick visit to the chemist for some steroids and moisturiser lotion. It seems okay at the moment, and you like have the cream rubbed on your back and neck each night and morning, so I hope it passes quickly.

I finally got some clips to stay in your hair too - little bobby pins I bought for me, but that work just as well on you. And because they're nice and bright they help reinforce to others that even though you have mulletty whispy hair, you're my baby girl. I don't know when we'll take you in for a haircut, or where, or how they'll cut it, but that is still a while away I think.

You're going to be awake soon, so I better go.

Keep well, baby girl!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Fathers Day

Today was the husband's second Fathers Day.

He got a little sleep in, then surprised in bed by the baby and I and a bag of gifts. Although, the baby didn't seem to understand, and she opened most of the gifts for her daddy.

He got a 30 minute meals cookbook, a book on head massage, and a 'Spot loves his Dad' book. He got a few jumpers (he has been exercising and watching his meals, so he has lost weight and never seems to have enough jumpers), some singlets, a coffee-grind-collecter and a toblerone. He felt very spoilt.

We went to the markets (as we do every Sunday) and we had a cinnamon scroll after our egg / egg & bacon rolls. The baby was in a good mood all day, until she woke up from her second nap.

She woke up in a cranky mood, and she cuddled in to the husband and looked really put out as he held her. Then, while I was changing her nappy, she started to bawl. She was reaching for her back bottom teeth (her 12th tooth came through, so I hope that's it for a hear or so!) and screaming, but I soldiered through. Until the point where she was crying so hard that she started to choke, and I had to hold her upside down over her change mat as she coughed up frothy spit bubbles.

I have no idea what that was about.

After the husband and I soothed her and I got her pants on, she had some nurofen and afternoon tea and seemed just fine for the rest of the afternoon.

I am glad I did that first aid course - I knew I needed to tip her over and bang on her back, and while I was doing it I was scanning my brain for what I needed to do next (next step was to call the ambulance, I was scared it might be some kind of fit).

I hope that doesn't happen again.