Monday 14 November 2011

Solid start

We started solids with the baby last week.

Sweet potato - she wasn't that in to it. She kinda got the idea, but had a pretty consistent gag reflex to it. They say this is pretty common (I mean, if you only drunk for your whole life and then had a solid in your mouth, you'd probably be pretty tempted to pull a grumpy face and cough it back up), but she never really seemed to enjoy it. Though I was doing my damndest to make it fun and entertaining, so I was totally cheering her on as she was trying to expel it back out.

Farex - this is meant to be like liquid gold for babies (full of iron!) but everyone I know that has given it to their baby reports that they don't like. Her response was pretty much the same as it was for the sweet potato - a bit of coughing, starting to turn away after a while, cracking it after not too long.

Potato - wow. This was the first time she actually didn't retch straight away. She opened her mouth like she does for her dummy or when she's trying to jam a toy in there. She smiled all the way through. She probably ate half of her teeny tiny container of. I tell you what - I did the right thing by gorging myself on hot chips while I was pregnant!

We've also given her pear in a mesh bag a few times - she does love it. To a point. Then she gets cranky that all the sucking is not actually giving her anything. It's also a bit naughty because until our success with the potato I was  worried that we'd have to stop the solids for a week to give her tastebuds a break and start back with plain tasting veg all over again - you're not supposed to give babies sweet stuff too early because then they favour only sweet things and won't eat other stuff. I did try a piece of apple too, but didn't really think about how tart it would taste to a baby until my dad pointed that out. Oops!

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