Thursday 13 June 2013


The Bubby has picked up a cold.

The doctor said that it shouldn't be as bad as The Toddler or I would be, because she should be getting my anitbodies. At the moment she has a sad little cough, chest congestion (it sounds like she needs to cough up milk) and a snuffly nose. She doesn't have a temperature and her chest is clear, so she just needs to be kept warm and plenty of fluids.

We went to dinner with the inlaws last night and she was relatively settled and didn't cluster feed (which leads me to believe she is comfort feeding rather than hungry feeding). I fed her at around 9:30 after we got home and got The Toddler to bed. Then she woke at 1:30 for a feed (unusual, but she hadn't had those cluster feeds). Then at 3 she woke up screaming, but settled in less than a minute of me rocking the bassinet. And then at 4 the humidifier set off the smoke alarm (twice, once when it was on the dressing table with the batter still in).

But I gotta say, she was cranky at 1am. A tired, congested, hungry, gassy baby doesn't want to have saline squirted up her nose at 1am. But she's hungry because she's a baby and didn't cluster feed because she was tired, she's gassy because she's congested and hungry and not feeding properly, and she's tired because she's gassy and congested. It's a terrible little circle of life.

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