Sunday 25 August 2013


Continuing my weekend of awesome, I headed out for coffee and cake this afternoon with my best friends.

And before I knew it, it was three hours later.

It felt so normal to be there. I wasn't the harried or grumpy or tired mum I can be. I wasn't the odd one out juggling a baby and fussing on her and constantly being distracted. I wasn't trying to keep eyes on The Toddler and having to make my apologies and leave early because there is no way she would even sit still at 10 minutes, let alone three hours.

I was just good, old, normal me.

When I realised the time I dashed home, freaking that I was going to walk in to find a hungry Bubby, a whingy Toddler and an exasperated Husband. Instead, I got a smiley baby (four hours since her last feed and no whinging - I love her!), a cheery toddler, and a Husband who wasn't even worried I was 'late'.


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