Tuesday 20 August 2013


Last night, I was bathing The Toddler and noticed something red in the corner of her eye - the eye that she had scratched at daycare last week. When I asked if it was sore, she said no. When I asked if it was itchy, she said no, and pointed to the eczema on her back and said 'just that'. I couldn't get it out with a facewasher or water.

I googled sty's and eye infections while The Husband dressed her for bed, and I drafted a post in one of my online mothers group asking what they would do. Then I deleted it because I knew the answer would be to take her to the doctor in the morning if I was worried.

Then the husband brought her out so I could do her stories ("mummy do it!") and I noticed the piece of bright red cotton on her cheek, no longer in her eye.


Then it was 9pm and the baby had only fed four times - 6am, 8am, 12pm and 4pm. She had slept most of the afternoon away and I wasn't sure what I should do. I drafted another post in the online group, but then deleted it when I realised I would have replied to myself with 'wake her and feed her if you're worried'.

When I woke her at 930 her nappy was dry, but she fed fine and was otherwise herself. She woke again at 4 for a feed, and 6 for half a feed and a cuddle in bed while we waited for The Toddler to wake up.


I'm so quick to ask for reassurance, that I often forget to check with myself first.

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