Thursday 26 July 2012

The last day

I've been in a foul mood all day. I'm not really sure what it is - I woke up weary.

The house is looking a bit of a bomb site - I've been conscious that I go in to work tomorrow to prepare for a presentation I have to give on Tuesday, then as of next week I'll be working three days a week - so I've probably been letting it slip.

I spent the morning tidying up - the baby's room was terrible as it seems she has had another mini growth spurt and she could now reach the books in her bookshelf, on her bookshelf and on the bedside table and pull them in to her cot. The spare room is full of drying/dry/unsorted/folded clothes. Our room has parts of my wardrobe all over it as I sort my clothes in to 'what I can fit in to' and 'what I should be able to fit in to but can't because I am just eating lots of crap all the time'.

After her nap, I got her ready to head out to buy some balloons to remember the birthdays of the two babies from my mothers group who passed away. And while I was getting her ready, I sneezed. And she cracked up. So we played 'pretend sneezing' just so I could hear that delightful noise. And I leaned in close to her and asked her how she had enjoyed the past year, at home with me. And she pushed me in the face.

So that was that.

She has become easier to look after though. I think I've been spending the past few days stressing about how things are just going to get 'harder' as I expect I'll need to keep the house to standard, keep her and the husband and I fed and just generally 'sorted' (I seem to do more sorting/planning than I realised), and then fit in 0.7 of a full time job. But the husband pointed out that she's not that 'hard' to look after now. Which is true.

She's happy enough to sit and play. She'll take you by the hand and walk you to the bike we bought her for her birthday when she wants to sit in it and just be pushed back and forth. She eats well (and shows you when she wants what you are eating that she shouldn't really have but how can you resist her when she is showing you how clearly she wants it).

Today she might have said 'hat' and 'bath'. Though I'm probably not going to get to see this develop as much as I would have otherwise, what with my time now going to work to.

Or perhaps I'll notice it more and appreciate it more.

(She also might have hand, foot and mouth, on top of mild croup and some nappy rash. Nice one, mum).

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