Tuesday 17 January 2012

6 month needles

Baby had her 6 month needles today.

I was reminiscing before we went in there about her 6 week needles - I remember answering a call from work and the girl on the other end heard the baby crying. I explained that we were on our way to get her needles and that it was good it was that day because she had been crying all day, so maybe the needles would teach her not to cry so much. I must say, I have definitely become more 'in tune' with my daughter since then!

We ran through the general info with the nurse at the front desk - luckily, we didn't need to get the rotavirus vaccine again this time (that's the one that makes her poo's extra germy for a week). She took a needle in each thigh and definitely cried more on the second one, but stopped as soon as the nurse jingled a wind chime - I then went to try to buy her one for her room, but the cheapo shop only had a few and they were out of my reach.

Before the needles, the nurse commented on what a happy baby she was. She asked if the baby was breast or bottle fed, and I replied that she was breastfed. She asked again, and I confirmed again, adding that she is on solids though, and she's on three meals again. The nurse said "oh, so she doesn't have any formula bottles?" and I confirmed that no, she doesn't. "Well," she said, "isn't that just a great testament to breast fed babies - she's absolutely thriving!".

I.e., my baby be fat.

(I know she's not actually fat, she's healthy plump)

Yay my baby!

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