Wednesday 18 January 2012

Small changes

I was thinking about all the little changes that we've made since the baby arrived.

We've switched our butter and milk to full fat, as she needs all the calories she can so shouldn't be eating lite/diet food.

Our bread is white (although I bought wholemeal the other day) as she can't have grains/seeds.

We're buying a but more meat as we now start introducing it to her (mainly chicken).

We have baby cheese rounds, cheese sticks, baby yoghurt, cottage cheese, arrowroot biscuits, rusks, giant rice crackers - all for her to snack on.

We have more of a variety of fruit - peaches, plums, watermelon, strawberries, nectarines, green apples.

No wonder mums put on weight! There's so much more food around, there's so many opportunities to just hoover up the leftover food (ours goes to the dogs), the food we have is not the 'lite' version. Plus, as she feeds less and less from, I'm not burning as many calories as I have been, but I am still eating like I was before.

I lost 9kg on the food plan, but it's starting to creep back (stomped, rather than crept!).

She's going to be in our house and eating our food for many years to come - I best get on top of this sooner rather than later!

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