Saturday 14 January 2012

Great grandparents

We took a trip down the coast to visit the baby's Great Grandparents (the husband's father's parents).

I will admit I was less than enthusiastic (as I am not very in to staying at people's houses), but the husband pointed out that we should be thankful to be going, as they're the only grandparents we have left.

Of course, it went fine. Probably the hardest part was having her in the same room as us (I wasn't so keen on leaving her unsupervised, but I think that's to be expected), and the beds were reaaaaaaally hot, so I wasn't sleeping deeply anyway, and waking at every noise she made. When she woke at 1am I fed her, rather than subject the whole house to half an hour of screaming baby, and because she didn't properly wake again until 7am, I could have had 6 hours of sleep, but would have got four hours of broken sleep, maximum.

I wish that we had more grandparents around.

My dad's father would be 102 this year, so I don't know how keen he would have been with the baby, but in the same way I had always hoped I could dance with him at my wedding, I do wish he got the chance to meet the baby. She was named after his wife, and if she were still alive I would love to have gotten to know her better, and to see them.

My mother's father passed away while she was quite young, and I do wonder what he was like. Her mother passed away in her 60s, and while she wasn't your typical 'nanny' Grandmother, I wonder how she would have reacted with the baby.

I only got to meet the husband's mother's father once - we went down the coast to visit him, in his big house all alone. The husband tells me a lot of his bad grandfather jokes - when you yawn he would say "what a mouth, what a mouth, from the north to the south". What would he have been like? And what would his wife, who I never got to meet, have been like?

Watching the husband's grandparents with the baby was quite nice. It was particularly lovely to see his grandfather blow her kisses and comment on how much she seemed to like his beard.

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