Sunday 9 October 2011

Air (Milk) Supply

I've spent most of the last week stressing out that my milk is drying up - ever since the nurse pointed out that her weight gain wasn't as good as it had been. And then when I tried to express, I was getting a lot less. And then when I read/heard that not eating enough could reduce your milk.

Even though I knew there was a time that my milk was supposed to settle.

Even though I knew that there would be a time around week 13 when I thought that my milk would dry up (I think it's to do with a growth spurt, more efficient drinking, and milk settling).

Even though I was being constantly reassured on online forums that it didn't sound like my baby was starving.

I was a little stressed, because I had only one (small) container of milk in the freezer and I had  a bbq lunch, two restaurant dinners, a wedding and reception to attend in three days.

I've been expressing twice a day for the past few days, and offering for the baby to feed as often/more often than I normally would, to try to get my supply up. I've also upped my calories to roughly 1700 a day.

Last night, I managed to express 100ml after missing a feed while I went out for dinner.

Tonight I managed to express 160ml from each side after missing two feeds while we went out for dinner.

I'm back in business, baby!!!

I plan to express roughly every second day so that I have the freedom to be able to bottle feed / leave the house / taker her out / have a drink as needed.

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