Saturday 8 October 2011


I'm subscribed to a few different newsletters that provide updates on the milestones that my baby 'should' be hitting. So far, not so bad.

However, they're recommending that the baby be put to sleep between 7 and 8:30.

That all babies need consistency, and this is no exception.

But on Monday nights we have dinner at my parents house.

On Thursday nights, we have dinner at the husband's parents house.

On Tuesdays and Sundays, the husband has sports.

Do all babies really need this consistency and time?

They say that they should be sleeping 10 hours a night, and then five hours a day over three naps.

The baby would get almost 10 hours at night - she naps on and off between 6 and 12, then typically sleeps 12 - 6 and then 7 - 10.

She naps during the day, and she's usually happy enough.

I mean, I know that having a baby will impact my 'social' life. But....?

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