Thursday 27 October 2011


Yesterday was the first time I really noticed the impact of the baby not having a nap.

We're still in a pretty good pattern most nights - she'll go down at about midnight after a feed in bed, sleep through until somewhere between 5:30 and 8:00, then feed and nap until sometime between 9:00 and 12:00. I think she has an afternoon nap in her bassinet most days, but there is usually also at least one nap on either the husband or I.

I'm in my second last week of mothers group, so after a 6:30 feed, baby was awake again at 9:00 (from all the moving around the room, I think). We headed to mothers group (starting at 9:30) and she fed during the group and sat happily.

I met a work friend for lunch - which was great! The baby napped for about 20 minutes... and then.... cried. Unless she was being held. Making it a bit hard to get out of the shops steering the pram one handed, and cutting short my plan to pick up a gift for the 1st birthday party I'm going to on the weekend.

It wasn't little cry either - it was full on trembling lips, sad pouts and tears.

And then she cried until I started feeding her.

And cried after I fed her.

And cried when I had to put her down to change her, to go to the bathroom myself, to let the homeshop delivery man in.

She just wanted to be held - so she finally napped for 2-3 hours, laying on me.

I am glad she's a morning napper, that works best for me and sleeping in. But I think the majority of mums/babies are lunch nappers, meaning there's going to be stuff on in the mornings.


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