Saturday 29 October 2011

Little hands

I'm sure you've all seen footage or pictures of breastfeeding babies, little hands wandering everywhere.

I'm going to be honest and say that I always found that a little creepy. But then, it's pretty clear that I had very little idea of what breastfeeding would actually be like. I think I'm worse than the husband when it comes to seeing others feed - how much is the right amount to look and how much is too much/not enough?

I know it's not creepy. Except when they're old enough to ask for it - that still seems creepy (I guess we'll see if my opinion changes as baby gets older? I hope it doesn't...).


My point is, I love baby's little wondering hands. It shows me that she's 'present in what's happening. Mainly she just runs her hand back and forth along my tshirt, and in my head she's singing 'thank you, thank you! Nice work, mummy!'. Or she's rustling the other breastpad so that the husband rolls over in bed to try to work out what that noise could possibly be - I like that two ways, because it shows she's getting more coordinated, but also that she's a little bit cheeky.


  1. Shion likes to touch my face while he feeds- even if his eyes are closed. His hands go in my mouth, up my nose and around and round. HE also will hold onto his foot sometimes...Oh and while he doesn`t "ask" for it he does try and pull down my top to get to the milk all the time {this is also a bit creepy for me, although I know of mum`s that breastfeed way past 2-- a Japanese lady I met recently, we were chatting, and her 3 year old came up said in Japanese "Can I have milk now?" and the mum said "I am talking. You can have some when we go home" and I said "There is a vending machine over there with milk poppers do you want me to get one" and she replied "Oh she means breastmilk".....I am pretty sure my mouth hit the floor. But hey...whatever floats your boat.

    He now has 4 teeth---and he bites. This is not fun. I weaned Noah when he had 1 or 2 teeth and didn`t have any on top so never had this problem to the same extent. I am considering weaning {I recently got mastitis again and assume it is from Shion biting me and breaking skin} but trying to get Shion to have a bottle has turned into another battle again.

    The hip dislexia seems quite common here {in Japan} but it is definitely more common in girl babies than boy babies I think. Sometimes doctors recommend using carriers like the Ergo to help- she is old enough now to go in one without the infant insert- it can help apparently. Something to think about! A friend`s baby just had her braces taken off and then she stood unaided the next day...she is almost 9 months and had worn the braces since 4 months I think- she still crawled with them on.

  2. It's funny - I might get to that stage and then be like 'no, this is normal!'. Is 3yo feeding common in Japan? I thought they typically weaned quite early?

    I can't wait for baby to find her feet - she sees them and likes to kick, but hasn't grabbed on to them yet.

    I'm sorry to hear you're getting bitten and not having much luck with the bottles! I hope he cuts it out soon...!!

    I will definitely update once we've been to see the Dr.
