Tuesday 21 February 2012

More results

In the lift on the way to see the pediatrician today, the husband commented that he was sure she would need surgery and at least six months in plaster cast.

I wasn't sure what I thought was going to happen, but I had finally cried on the drive to the doctor. I'd felt it under the surface since we got the report, but it was only when I pictured her in the plaster cast, stuck, compared to the other babies her age that would be up and moving around, that I was getting upset.

We sat down with the doctor and he said he was happy for her to come out of the harness. We were a bit shocked/confused/unsure.

He told us that he wasn't happy with the report (it should have had a recommendation on it), so he called the person who analysed the x-ray and also an orthopedic surgeon who has an interest in pediatrics. The scanner person said they weren't able to compare the x-ray to the previous scans as they weren't done at the same place. Our doctor believes the scanner was too caught up in the numbers - as she was born with an abnormal hip, they shouldn't expect her results to be normal. He says that a score of 30-32 is fine, the main thing is that she should be down at 24 by the time she is 2 years old.

He said that the orthopedic surgeon couldn't access the reports on his computer but from having the report read over the phone to him, it sounded good and he thought she could have the harness taken off. The surgeon was in Sydney for the day, but will call us for an appointment, hopefully this week.

He said that we could take the harness off, but it was up to us - that it might be worth keeping it on just in case, as it could be hard to get the harness back on her once she's had it off for a while. He believes that the recommendation will be for it to be taken off and just to have x-rays to monitor the progress as we go.

He said that they used to put the babies in to a night brace, but that it's not really done anymore. I'm not sure why or why not.

We also have a referral for a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in Sydney, if we like.

I guess we'll see how the next appointment goes as to whether or not we call them - the husband sent me an article to read on the surgery, just in case.

I don't know what I think.

I want her to be fine. I want her to not be strapped down. I want her to be able to move. I want her to develop just like all the other kids.

I don't want her to be operated on. I don't want her stuck in plaster till she is 13 months old, or more.

But I don't want her to have to go through surgery when she is older. I don't want to find out that we should have operated if we haven't.

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