Monday 20 February 2012


The baby had her xray today - it took less than a minute.

We were taken in, got her down to her nappy, and the husband held her legs still while they took a practice shot of her pelvis, and then the real one.

I didn't even get to see the preview on the screen and when I asked if they'd be able to tell anything, the only comment I got was that we'd have to wait until the report was ready. That said, the (young male) assistant was lovely, smiling and waving at her, and he gave her a 'I'm a good girl' sticker once she was done.

I went back at 4pm to pick up the film and the report.

"There is bilateral acetabular dysplasia, the acetabular angle on the right measuring 34 degrees and in the left 32 degrees. The femoral heads are enlocated and the femoral capital epiphyses are ossified and symmetrical."

It sounded bad, then good.

From my googling, and the husband's googling, it's bad. In that it seems that she has problems with both sides of her hip, not just the one side - whether this means it has gotten worse, or just that they couldn't tell that earlier, who knows. The angles should be at 30 at the highest.

The appointment with the pediatrician is tomorrow morning.

I don't know what I feel about it all.

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