Wednesday 29 February 2012


Monday night, the baby went to sleep around 9pm, woke at 2am and was quickly settled, then slept through until after 7am.

I actually felt tireder all day, perhaps my body was in shock from getting some fairly normal sleep.

Tuesday, she went down for a nap at lunchtime and slept for more than 2 hours. I was equal parts delighted that she might have learnt how to nap properly (ie, more than 45 minutes at a time) and stressed that her big sleep that morning combined with her nap meant she might be unwell.

After her second nap of the day was getting close to an hour and I needed her to come with me to pick up the car from the service shop, I woke her once her eyes were half open.

Bad move.

She was grizzly all evening, apart from when I played with her, in my arms, with my full attention.

As a result, she didn't eat much of her dinner. Though she chirped up a bit in the bath and was tired quickly after feeding.


She woke at midnight. CRANKY. Even when I picked her up and bounced her and patted her and walked with her and changed her nappy and sung to her, she wouldn't stop crying - so I caved and fed her.

She woke again at 2am, needing her dummy to be put back in and a bit of shushing.

Again at 4am, same as above.

Again at 5am, this time with her dummy missing under the cot, and inconsolable. So I fed her And she bit me. And she started crying again when I quickly pulled her away from me. And while I went out to the kitchen to look for a dummy because I couldn't find her missing one.

My longest sleep of the night was between 5.30am and 8am, when she next woke.

I think it was a combination of being hungry (she had a full weetbix, half a jar of porridge and half a serve of steamed apple, and the last few days she'd only been having half a weetbix) and her new found talent of doing the worm while she's asleep and waking up sideways in the cot with her head jammed against the bars.

Baby - please - not tonight.

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