Wednesday 27 June 2012


I have the tv on in the background while I get ready for mothers group, and a show was reviewing a movie about a French child protection unit. The scene included a baby crying, and it showed the mother picking it up and shaking it to be quiet (it didn't get quiet). A female police officer runs across the road to question and arrest her.

Just watching it, I feel sick.

You know, you go through pregnancy and all it's crazy hormones, then you have the baby, and you would expect that everything would return to how it was before, just with an extra person in your life.

But it just doesn't work like that.

Of course, I would have been shocked to see it at any stage (although I would have been at work if I didn't have the baby), But I don't know that it would have brought on the sick drop in my stomach, the tightness in my chest, the light-headed pang and the start of tears in my eyes.

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