Tuesday 5 June 2012

More on work

Another day down, another day of win!

All yesterday I had people asking me how I was feeling, how was I going, how was I coping, how hard must it be. In fact, the only hard thing was thinking that I should feel worse.

I have (almost) always enjoyed my job. I have been at the same organisation for almost 10 years now, and I have worked in a few different areas. We've been going through quite a bit of change, so the last 2-3 years have been particularly eventful, and have also let me work to my strengths and learn a lot. I worked hard, and it was always appreciated - in fact, even when I wasn't working that hard, I would still get a lot of positive feedback. That's not to say that there weren't bad days, or days when I stuffed up, but overall I have found work to be very fulfilling.

Leading up to the birth of the baby, I knew it would be hard to be at home. I knew how much of a people person I was, how much I enjoyed working with the people I did, and how much I needed (?) the validation and positive feedback. I was a do-er and I had a great reputation and I gave it my all.

Then all of a sudden I was at home and being yelled at by a tiny human that needed me for everything. All day. Every day.

The baby is in a great place. She sleeps more than 12 hours a night. She only gets a bit whingy on the slide towards dinner time. She eats well. She laughs. She can entertain herself and she can play silly little games. She is happy and fairly easy to cart around. She is a lovely and delightful little bundle of love.

But I've been away from work for over 12 months now, and I know I am ready to come back.

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