Thursday 18 August 2011

Keep weighting!

Another fortnight, another weigh in, another 485g increase. Chubba bubba.

We had a pediatrician appointment yesterday, and he said we are doing exceptionally well with feeding. Baby has grown 6cm longer, increased her head diameter by 3cm and put on 1.66kg since she was born.

He commented that she had big eyes (now I'm like "are they too big?!") and when I commented they were her father's eyes and my cheek/chins, he responded that all babies should have those chubby cheeks. Note, he didn't say anything about her chins...

Seemingly, all else is fine. She liked looking at the light he tested her eyes with (again, he commented on that, so again, abnormally so?!) and she was happy up until the point he pushed down in to her hip joints - then she looked baffled, and then she sounded outraged.

He asked if she'd smiled yet and I responded that she might have - that morning, I could see her physically labouring as she brought each side of her mouth up in to a smile, like a robot. She hasn't done it since though.

He also did two sort of flicking motions near her head while he was checking her, but now that I think about it, he might have been getting dog hair off her. Nice work, us.

He then started to talk about introducing solids, but he had to rush through it as she didn't stop being outraged at the hip test until we were more than halfway home. Which is the same point that I realised I'd forgotten to ask about the one thing I was meant to ask (we noticed a purple-red mark at the base of her mullet on the weekend - we hadn't seen it before). I wonder how long this baby brain lasts?

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