Friday 5 August 2011

Weight for me

We took the baby in to be weighed yesterday - we missed the nurse by an hour, so we didn't get to find out if her head is bigger or if she's grown taller, but she has put on 755 grams in two weeks.

From week one to week two, she put on 330 grams.

We were advised that a baby will usually put on 150-200g a week, our baby is averaging 360g.

We were also advised that you can't overfeed a baby, so that's some solace.

I had been joking on facebook that I was eating all the oreo's in our house, to stop me from obsessively eating all the oreo's in the house at a later date (though I guess that 'joking' isn't necessarilly the right word, because it's pretty accurate. And it's also how my logic works).

And after we weighed the baby, I joked that I was doing the right thing by eating all the biscuits, as my baby is seemingly a good grower (we were also told by an aunty that all the babies in our family were good growers, so I'm putting some of it down to genetics).

But then the husband was telling me that there is a link between the diet of a breastfeeding mother and obesity/weight in children as they grow. So I googled it. And he's right.

Our day starts at about 1pm (we're in bed most days from midnight to midday) and I usually have cereal, soy milk, wholegrain toast with vegemite and fruit juice - just like the healthy eating ad from years ago: "start your day with a nutritional breakfast of cereal, mlik, toast, fruit and juice".

But then, we snack a bit during the day. And most nights, after dinner, I'll have a hot chocolate or cold chocolate. And perhaps some biscuits.

I wonder if I've already done the damage? I wonder if it is something we can correct? I wonder how big an impact what I ate for the last ten months will have on my daughter as a teenager? I wonder how my mum and my husband's mum ate during pregancy/feeding? I wonder if they ate differently for each child?

Time for me to book my follow up appointment with the nutritionist, I think.

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