Friday 12 August 2011


My first shower at home after getting out of hospital was the first time I got a look at how my shape had changed - I was a bit shocked to see a mum's body in the mirror.

My hips are wider. My old jeans fit everywhere except for the vital part where I need them to actually do up. I like to think that it's because I've hung on to the semblance of a butt that came with being pregnant due to my spine curving, but it's also going to be the extra 5kg I'm still carrying. 

I'm paunchier. Again, five kilos extra. But also, my stomach muscles separated and are working their way back together and my belly button is on it's way home. I take solace in the way that I'm not muffin topping as much as I have when I've been heavier in the past.

My stomach, which I proudly oiled and moisturised twice a day until the day before baby was born, still sports the stretchmarks that popped up from around April. I haven't done anything about them since she was born, almost out of anger that I treated my stomach so well and it still betrayed me that way.

My nails are longer and stronger than they were. Awesome for scratching, not so awesome when changing a dirty nappy.

My hair is thicker - you can trace the duration of my pregnancy by how the thicker hair has grown out, then tapers off.

Funnily, I've had to take out one of my earrings because it hurt when I slept on it and I think my ears were somehow retaining fluid.

I wonder how it will change over the next twelve months.

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