Sunday 18 September 2011


Having a baby was a big thing for me. Not just in a 'woah, there's a person living on my insides' or a 'we need to buy a lot of stuff' or a 'when/how will we holiday' kind of way. But conceptially. Big picture stuff.

A baby will be born, and it's mine.

My baby.

And when we found out the baby would be a girl, it became a little bigger. I will have a daughter, we will have a daughter.

And now we're pretty settled with the fact that we have a baby. And getting more used to the feeling that we have a daughter. But it's bigger than that again.

We have a daughter.

But four people also  have a granddaughter.

Five people have a niece (officially, but really, eight people have a niece) (and unofficially, lots of our friends have an honorary niece).

Two people have a great-granddaughter.

Stacks and stacks of people now have a second cousin (I have more than twenty cousins, and I think the husband has seven) and I don't know what aunts and uncles now have, but I have sixteen of them and the husband has six).

It's like a series of circles - she's not only mine, she's something to a lot of other people.

We didn't just make her for us, it seems we made her for a lot of people.


  1. Beautiful post xx


  2. What a lovely post about my honorary niece. ;o) A really lovely post indeed.

  3. KO - Thank you! It's funny how long it takes for me to realise this sort of stuff that is obvious in retrospect...

    Lhhcit - you're welcome ;o)

  4. I'd never thought about it that way until you explained it, even though I am an auntie :)


  5. You know how they say it takes a village to raise a child? This is a perfect, perfect explanation of that. Lovely post! xoxo

  6. Amanda - why thank you! We do make use of our village ;)
