Wednesday 14 September 2011


In the same way I should have learnt that telling people my baby sleeps from midnight to 6am would mean she wakes up three-hourly, I should have known that agreeing to lunch with awesome people 'because the baby falls asleep in the pram and is totally well behaved - it's like she's not even there!' means that I've had to jiggle-nurse a baby while I eat lunch and blush twice this week already.

On the plus side, I think she's acted pretty cute once she stopped crying for them.

But on the negative side, I am now officially that woman with the crying baby in the food court/restaurant that everyone looks at and wonders why they are here/can't keep their baby quiet (though it didn't get to me too much).

I can never spell restaurant on the first go!


  1. I can never spell restaurant on the first go either! I really have to think about it.

    I am constantly jiggling something....even if I am out by myself I rock like I have a child in my arms. No joke. Or I sway...Shion likes a good sway!

  2. My dad gave me a good hint "rest a u rant" like you rest and you have a rant after you eat. It's worked so far for me!

    I have noticed that I jiggle my legs more when I'm sitting down, whether she's there or not. Or if I'm holding her, I'm more than likely patting her butt, whether she 'wants' it or not. I have a friend who caught herself doing the sway in the line at the bank - without the baby!
