Wednesday 7 September 2011

Dear Baby - Month #2

Dear baby,

Today, you are two months old. And in a potentially bad sign of what is yet to come, I almost forgot!

This month, our biggest achievement is your smiles - we're getting more and more that aren't just you expressing your unadulterated joy at filling your nappy.

We left you to be babysat for the first time, and made it out to the movies for the first time in ages. It went well for all of us, with you expressing more distress at coming back to us than you did at being left with one of your nana's.

The husband pointed out how much more you look around now. While you're not exactly responding as we call your name, more and more you are watching the husband as he walks out of the room, staring at the mobile above the change table when you're on the bed with me, or moving that head around for tummy time.

Speaking of, we've been working on your tummy time and you're doing a fantastic job - my family were very impressed with the way you managed to hold that great gonky head of yours above the table. We've been sure to hold you upright more, and on the husbands belly, for extra strengthening.

Your sleep has changed up - for a week or so I was feeding you at midnight and then again at five or six, so I was getting some great sleep. Its funny what a difference it makes when you start your sleep (and hence your waking up!) a bit earlier - it really knocks me around. But you're definitely sleeping more at night - there's been nights of 6 - 9 hours between feeds, and I know I'm very lucky for that. Whether it is linked to the way that we have been bathing you every night for a few weeks now, I'm not sure, but it is very easy to see how much you enjoy the bath - quietly staring up at the bottom of the laundry cupboards as you splash and stomp your legs, sparkly eyed.

The husband and I are also getting better at working out what's a matter when you start to make some noise. *knocking wood* it's been a week or so since we've had to walk the floor and pump the music for you, and I like to think it's because we're all getting to know each of the others communicates. You're also not crying as much when you're due for a feed - its starting to sound more like you're calling out to us, rather than yelling in anger that we haven't worked it out already.

We also celebrated our very first Father's Day. I gave him the traditional gifts of socks, undies, chocolates, and a 'dad' mug and tshirt, while you gave him a more sentimental framed collage of yourself and the two dogs, with paw prints included. It was a lot more successful than the keyring I got engraved for daddy - you have to hold it at a particular angle to see the picture of your big moon head that I took on the day you turned one month old.

I now understand what all those mummies were talking about when they said that this time just flies. I enjoy those moments where you just want to be held all the more. I take a delight that I never though I would, in sniffing your hair and kissing your round cheeks. Already so much has changed since last month, and so much more since the time you were born. The quiet moments, the teary moments, the smiley moments and the pouty moments...what a journey.

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