Monday, 5 September 2011


A lot of my posts are written/published later in the day... oh look! That's witching hour! Perhaps that's why I sound so mopey in some of them ;o)

Unfortunately, this means that I didn't get to let you know the day that the baby showed her first real smile - Wednesday She fluked it in the morning and I managed to get her to do it again later in the day when I was taking her photo as part of her present to the husband for Father's Day.

And, lamely, it brought a tear to my eye!.


  1. Yay for milestones! E was a very cranky baby and didn't smile properly for weeks (about 10 iirc) but it was great when it came in the end, and now he's just 3 and cranky ;-)

  2. Mummy/Crit - she's still pretty serious a lot of the time, but it was so nice to see!
