Tuesday 20 September 2011

Eating out

Last night we took the baby out for dinner with my family.

It was kind of a success?

She fed at 5pm, fiddle fart-assed around for an hour, and finished her feed at 6pm - dinner was at 7:30 in the city. She hadn't napped much during the day - 45 minutes in the morning, and another 45 in the afternoon.

As soon as we got to the restaurant, she started to cry. Not loud, but constant. And she got passed from person to person (including the waitress who told me she was tired and hungry) and she didn't stop. It carried on for close to an hour before the husband excused himself, took the inconsolable baby outside, and settled her - she finally took the dummy and she sat in my arms as I finished my meal.

And dropped food on her.

And it stained her tshirt but it only cost me $2 from Target, so I'm not too worried about that.

I felt bad about it though. I've only been stuck in places with crying babies a few times before I fell pregnant, and the noise would grate on me. So instantly, I was like 'ugh - I am that person'.

I spoke to the husband about it when we were home, and though he said he's in no hurry to take her out to dinner again, he said it was no problem. She was tired and hungry, and the restaurant was a whole new stimulating environment - she would have been a little overwhelmed even if she was well-rested and fed.

And my family were very reassuring too. They said she was quiet, that people didn't look bothered, that it wasn't a big deal.

And I will know to make sure we have expressed milk with us next time, so that we can calm her a little.

I just worry about being the type of person with a feral child, oblivious to it all. I need to take a breath, assess the situation for what it really is, and act appropriately.

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