Sunday, 12 May 2013

Dear Bubby - Month One

Dear Bubby,

After you were fussy last night from 6pm-10pm, then The Husband brought you in for a feed at 12:30, you slept through until 4:30am and I was composing a blog post in my head about how we were finally turning a corner and how happy and proud I was and how great it was you were also having these short feeds...

But then it was 6am and you were still fussing and The Husband didn't get to bed until after 2am and woke up when you did, so he took you to try to settle you. I woke up 45 minutes later, not realising I'd fallen asleep, to find that he was still holding and patting you. I took you back and fed you and he only got another 30 minutes sleep before The Toddler woke up.

It's not very kind of you to only give him 2.5 hours sleep the night before he has to return to work, and it's Mothers Day so he is obligated to let me sleep in. And, because you were fussing again, it's not a good idea to leave me so tired that I fall asleep with you beside me in the bed. That's a very bad idea.

On the whole though, it has been a good month. Excluding the tiredness and the tears, it's been great. You are adorable. You are easy and quick to feed (even though you like to come back for a topup an hour after your feed), you are quick to change and you are (usually) quick to settle. Perhaps I'm just extra optimistic because I find myself putting extra effort in to being happy when The Husband is tired, or perhaps it's because it's Mothers Day and The Toddler gave me a glittery rock that has "You are my rock" written on it in texta, or perhaps it's because I think you were smiling at me today. Who knows? But let's ride with it.

Height & Weight: You're a bit over 3.8kg. I would include your height, but your blue book is in the boot of the car and it's cold and dark outside! I promise to update once I take you in on Thursday for your fortnightly check. That said, I do remember the nurse commenting that you had gone up one percentile step for your height, weight and head, so I think you're doing well.

Sizes: We've moved you out of the 0000's and in to the 000's. Initially, it was laziness on my part because you had pooped/spewed/wet through all of the 0000's we had in the drawers, but then we saw you fitted the 000's just fine. This was of course after I had bought you six new 0000 suits, because of the poop/spew/wetting mentioned above.

I bagged up all your 0000's this evening, and it was (surprisingly) a little sad. I've been very vocal on the fact that we only plan on having the two of you, so I'm at a bit of a loss with what to do with your clothes... sell them? Save them? Keep them for loaning to friends/family? Keep them for giving away? Charity? Leave them in the cupboard for years until I have some idea?

Eating: Needless to say, this is pretty bland for you. But, you have been gassy the last week or so, and I"m not sure what's going on. I'm keeping the Infacol beside my bed to give to you at night, but I always forget to do it before your feed and if I remember at all, you get it between the two sides. You are feeding every three hours on average - there were quite a few days of 2.5 hour feeds, there have been quite a few evenings of cluster feeds lasting 4-7 hours, and also a few periods of 4 hour breaks. I am hanging on to the fact that some women in my DIG with 6 week old babies are getting five hours between feeds overnight, and tryting to ignore the fact that our friend that visited yesterday with a baby five weeks older than you is still only getting 2.5-3 hours overnight.

Sleeping: This is a bit of a sore point. At first, you were super easy to put to sleep - I'd just pop you in and you'd be off. The last week or so, you've needed/wanted to be held and then we have to wait until you're pretty much passed out before we can sneak you in to bed. That said, you were a lot more awake between feeds today, so I am hope Hope HOPING that you will go down easy tonight after feeds. We're still parking your bassinet in the sun during the day to try and remind you that hey, daytime is for awake and noisy and nighttime is for shhh and sleeping, but you're being quite belligerent on this point.

Language: Heh. None. You did make a few new squeak noises that sounded like you testing out noise, but it was dark and I was tired and I didn't give it more than a thought before all I could think about was sleep. Sorry buddy.

Firsts & Milestones: Pretty much everything is a first for you this month!
 - You are getting stronger with your head, even though we don't get you down on the floor as much as we 'should'.
 - You've had four baths or so (I know, we're terrible) and I did the last one and you were pretty happy in there.
 - Today, I think you were grinning at me, which has resulted in me taking every opportunity I can to stare at you and move you around so it looks like you're staring at me, then grinning at you like an idiot and asking you to smile. You have my dimple.

I love you, buggaboo - please sleep for mummy and daddy?

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