Saturday 14 April 2012

Mothers group

With some of the mothers from my IRL mothers group already back at work, we have a weekend catch up every so often. Because the husband was out fishing today, I offered to host - almost all of the mothers from the group were able to make it.

The babies in the group were born from May to August, so there is a bit of variation in the group, but it appears that the baby and the baby born the day before her are the most similar, and the most physically 'behind'.

There are some amazing movers in the group, both older and younger. The eldest boy turns one next month and he is just go, go, go. Even the two that are younger are crawling everywhere.

It showed me just how much babyproofing we need to do (corners! wall sockets! keyboard! laptop! bits of plastic the dog chewed! dog toys! screws! tennis ball fluff! cords! ARGH!) and also how much more on the ball I will need to be once the baby gets her moving down pat.

It was also interesting to see the shift in the baby's personality. She's quite outgoing with my family and the husband's family - she loves the attention. But whenever we get together, she gets quieter/whingier and just wants to sit on my lap. She was tired today by the time people came over, but she didn't want to stay in bed, so that didn't help. But I do wonder when or how she will change to the point where she likes interacting with other babies.

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