Thursday 15 March 2012


The baby has started to turn away packaged baby food.

Which is good, because 'real' food is better for her, but not so good when I need to give her food on the go.

I've been trying to put aside stuff from our dinner for her to eat the next day, as she eats sometime between 6 and 730, and the husband usually isn't home until 7 or later. But tonight we had burritos, and the flavour sachet was quite spicy, so I can't give her that. I have had a bit of a work around by adding rice or pasta to the satchet.

It's a bit of a balance - do I fulfill the role of mother first, and cook the family meal early enough for her to enjoy... do I fulfill the role of wife and not cook dinner until after the husband is home so that he doesn't eat cold/spoiled food for dinner each night....

I know when she's older that I want us all to eat as a family, but I don't know how that will happen - if we're working late so that we are able to have the days off to care for her, she won't be eating until 7.30-8pm...

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