Saturday, 31 March 2012

Meal times

We're in a pretty good routine with meals at home - when she wakes for the day, I get her out of her night nappy and into day clothes (sometimes she'll lay in bed with me for a bit as I slooooooooooowly ease in to the day), then she has breakfast.

Over the day, I try to make sure she has morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. She usually has a nap between breafkast and morning tea, and another nap between morning tea and lunch. Then afternoon tea and dinner are within the same awake time.

This does mean that sometimes she doesn't have lunch until 3pm.

She is getting a bit more consistent with bed time (although we disrupt the routine twice a week for family tea), but is not quite as consistent with  the wakeups during the night, nor the time she wakes up.

But. It is so much harder to manage when we are out and about. At home, we can sit and chill out over our lunch and dinner - they usually take 45 minutes or so. And depending on how she's reacting to different parts of the meal, I can quickly switch in our out different foods.

In some ways, it might be easier when she is older and we're able to communicate about what we're eating and when; rather than her sometimes having lots of different foods (and sometimes maybe not enough? She can't tell me!).

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