Sunday, 20 May 2012

Baptism - done!

The baby was very well behaved at the baptism!

She woke up around 7 and napped again from 9 until just before we needed to leave.

She was mostly quiet during mass before the ceremony (and very cute). She was a bit more vocal during the actual baptism, but the priest seemed to find it quiet entertaining, so it went well.

She was also the oldest baby (there were two others being done at the same time) and so she was the most animated, but no one cried or screamed out - the priest had a little trouble pouring the water on her head as she kept twisting her head around to see what he was doing.

She was very spoilt with gifts - she got two beautiful necklaces and three bracelets, little holders for her first tooth and haircut, as well as lots of books and some outfits and a beautiful snowglobe and a musical carousel.

Unfortunately, she didn't want to nap with everyone there, so she went over five hours before she had a nap of only 30 minutes. And because she was overtired, she wasn't eating properly. So by the time we got to the husband's parents house for his fathers birthday dinner she only wanted her mum.

Which was actually kind of nice for me, that she was showing a preference for me over anyone else, but it was a bit hard on the husband.

But she's now holier than a basketball hoop!

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